yo...this ''sit(t)ie-writie'' substitute for walkie-talkie for the time being..(to stay within the transformations' boundaries)..well, we'll see how it works .:)
the clumsy fingers for the first time..
we have not that much to write about yet.we're kinda stuck in a strange circle of frustration and excitement -mixed together in our ''relationship'' to Arduino.
..yeah,those same old clumsy fingers for the second time + maybe the low level of coffeine and/or sugar in our bodies most of the time.
one of us gets sometimes easy impatient [eller hur?;)] and the other one uses too much F-words in between.but...stay tuned! and goodnite*
Edward Scissorhands
konstfacks' transformation/s.20.06.05
May 2006 /
June 2006 /